How to disable User Login

The User Login page is enabled by default on initial set up of your system. However, you may occasionally need to prevent your users from being able to login - you may be updating data on the system, or you may not want your users to access the system at all since everything is booked on their behalf by an admin. Disabling access will prevent all your users from being able to login. Administrators will still be able to log in via the Admin Login.

Note: If you are wanting to restrict the access your users have to do things in the system, rather than preventing all users from logging in at all, please see Users: How to set up user permissions.

Disabling User Logins

  1. From the Admin Homepage select Settings.> System Settings.Select Login & Signup.
  2. Remove the tick next to User Login Enabled.You also have the opportunity to enter a message in the box under User Login Disabled Message which will be displayed to your users when they access the User Login page
  3. Click Update System Settings to save.
  4. When a user goes to the User Login page they will no longer see any option to enter their username and password.
  5. To re-enable the User login page simply follow the steps above but check the User Login Enabled box.
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