Tiers: how to set up different timeslots for different parts of your school

It's common for larger schools to have rooms and resources that are available to different parts of the school - such as their senior and junior sections - or that can be booked for different period structures (timeslots). Tiers allow you to assign timeslots so that they are only available to one (or more) section, and rooms and resources so that they can only be booked in one (or more) section's timeslots.

How to set up tiers

In order to set up tiers, please email schoolcloud@tes.com and let us know the number of tiers you require, and what they should be called.

How tiers work

Once tiers have been created for you your Timetable > Timeslots page displays an extra option which  allows you to specify which Rooms and Resources in the school those slots should appear on in the Calendar and when making bookings.

Note: if a timeslot is set to All then that slot will display for all Rooms and Resources, regardless of tier. You would normally do this if, for example, Period 1 had the same times for all parts of the school - meaning that there is no need for more than one version of it.

You can do the same with resource categories through the Resources > Resource Categories page. The tier you set defines which timeslots show on the calendar when that category is selected, or are available when making a booking.

Note: if a category is set to  All then the rooms and resources in that category will be available to be booked for any timeslot, regardless of tier. You would normally do this if, for example, the rooms in category Classrooms were available for booking to all parts of the school - meaning that there is no need to restrict them to only being bookable by one set of timeslots.

If your system uses our time-based booking functionality, only the slots in the assigned tier will show when you make a booking by timeslot.

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